Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Home Based Business Mailing Postcards

Why is American Bill Money, or ABM, the best home based business mailing postcards?

One reason is because almost anyone can do it.  Anyone can paste a mailing label on a postcard.  Anyone can place a stamp on a postcard.  And anyone can learn to advertise online, too.  This is why ABM is often called "The Easiest Home Based Income Opportunity Ever!"

Another reason why American Bill Money is the best home based business mailing postcards is the compensation plan.  ABM pay you a whopping 60% commission immediately on all the people you refer to ABM, after your first referral. That is $75 a month for all that choose the “Monthly Auto-Ship” and $900 a year for all that choose the “Twelve Month Pre-Pay”. 
Your first referral is what is called your “Qualifying Sale” and this is how your Sponsor or Upline will earn money from you and your efforts and that’s okay, because from your second referral on, everybody you personally refer, they in turn each owe YOU their first referral, and those new people each owe you their first referral, and their first referral, and their first referral, and their first referral. This goes on infinitely deep, there is No limit to the levels of duplication you can get paid on.
Once you fully grasp the profit potential this represents, it’s hard not to put a smile on
 your face !

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